Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Protect The Constitution

On April 29, 2009, with a vote of 249-175, the House passed the Hate Crimes bill. It will now move on to the Senate. It now moves to the Senate, and if passed there, President Obama may sign it into Law as promised.

I believe that this legislation is an opposition to the Constitution, namely the 1st and 14th Amendments.

If you would like to make your voice heard to your Congress members, whether it is for or against the legislation, click on the link below to find your Senators.

Make you voice heard to your Senators

The “Point of View” site, is highlighting the attack that it would be on the Christian Pastor and community, and I believe that the leaders of the other religions that have beliefs that differ from a new protected class of people, would also be considered for punishment under this law. But it while I believe the Christian and the beliefs may suffer it is about the attack on the Constitution that drives me to voice an opinion against this legislation. I know that being persecuted for ones beliefs is common and even promised in the Bible that it will happen, but I really hope the citizens of the United states at this moment can rise up and protect the Constriction.
There is a generic message in opposition that you can edit as you like. The following is what I said to our Senators Barbara Boxer & Dianne Feinstein.

Dear Senators Boxer & Feinstein,
I have been fortunate to have received communications from both of you in the past in regards to issues that affect the people of our state and the United States. I appreciate your responses and your efforts as a state representative in the Senate. As one of your constituents, I urge you to oppose the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 or any other “hate crime” legislation. The passage of this bill and the signing into law by the President would violate the 14th Amendment by denying equal protection under the law for all citizens by creating a special class of individuals. It would also put into disregard the 1st Amendment. This is a bill in opposition to the Constitution and I ask that you voice opposition to it as a representative of my family and myself.

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