Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's Wrong With Obamacare

Huckabee's Complete Blog post

Quote from Huckabee:
"I truly believe those people should be covered and can be covered by individual states creating pools that provide coverage for people in high-risk categories."

With Samaritan Ministries (our families "Insurance", which is allowed for as coverage under Obamacare) we have such a 'Pool' we fund and it at maximum can only cost us $75/month or $900 per year for the whole family. If you are a Christian home, then I recommend that you look into Samaritan Ministries. We have been very happy with them for 8 years now. I have info if you like.


Anonymous said...

It looks like, according to Samaritan's website that the monthly cost is $130 for singles, $260 for couples, and $320 for a family.

$75 doesn't sound right.

Jay Garbarino said...

The "pooling" Program that is part of SM is called the "Save to Share" program which is for meeting the needs of those that go over $250,000. The monthly costs that you are quoting are for the coverage up to the $250,000. The deductible per incident is $300, but if you get a Cash-pay discount for at least $300 in that incident then you have no net out-of-pocket. Is this clear?

Jay Garbarino said...

Also just noticed that for a family like mine the Maximum annual cost for Shave to Share went down from $900 to $399.